
These release notes provide brief descriptions of changes included in eHarvest 16.015.0.

System Updates

Forms & Reports


This ticket implemented the 2024 Grapevine Crop Provisions.


SPOIs were updated and made available from RMA on Aug 25. Special Provisions for 2024 have been downloaded and implemented in the System for Grapevine, Apples, Kiwifruit, CA and FL Citrus Fruit.


This ticket implemented the updated 2024 Kiwifruit Crop Provisions.


The updated 2024 Rainfall (RI) Common Policy for PRF (008), API (1191), and Annual Forage (0332) has been implemented in the System. 2024 Crop Provisions for PRF have also been implemented in the System.


The updated Basic Crop Provisions that will be effective for 2024 and succeeding years for crops with a CCD on or after 6/30/23 and 2025 and succeeding years for crops with a CCD prior to 6/30/23 have been implemented in the System.


The Actual Revenue History (ARH) was updated to support Same Year Production Reporting (SYPR).

Changes that were made:

Updated for all years unless otherwise specified:

Changed from a portrait orientation to a landscape orientation.
County and Crop were separated to be in two separate fields.
Opt Out QLO, YA and YC checkboxes were added and they should be marked when applicable.
Insurable Acres was updated to Insurability with I and UI checkboxes that are to be marked based on the acres reported for the more recent year.
Uninsurable Acres was updated to New Producer with a check box that is user filled.
Pre-Quality Total Production column was added and data will print when applicable.
Pre-Quality Actual Yield column was added and data will print when applicable.
"Producer's" was removed from the "Producer's Share" label.
The "Desc. (Adj. Yield)" column label was updated to "APH Yld Desc. (Adj. Yield)".
A Record Type column was added and is labeled "Rec. Type".
A label was added for the "Total 100% Share Equivalent Revenue".
No Prior Yield and Revenue data will print for the 2023+. Agents will hand write the values in if they are calculating for the Grower.
No Approved Yield and Revenue data will print for the 2023+. Agents will hand write the values in if they are calculating for the Grower.
Record Type field was removed since it is now a column, including the checkboxes and labels for Production Sold, On Farm Storage, Livestock Feeding Records, FSA Loan Record, Appraisal and Other. The Processor #/Name and Remarks field was moved up and the Remarks field was given more space.
"Added Land/New Crop/Prac./Type/TMA" was added with a checkbox. The checkbox is always blank and the user is filled.
"Multi Crop Year Reporting Reason" was added with a space for the user to hand fill and there are no data prints.
"# of Plants" was added, this will print the # of plants entered on the PAW for the year when the form is printing pre-filled.
The APH Yield Descriptor Legend was added to the last page of the form. The Statement page is now 2 pages.
The Record Type Legend was added to the last page of the form without the "Z".
The version date was updated to "09-2023".




The Online Help Site was updated with topics as well as with current release notes.




LRP: The issue where the System was allowing users to save invalid Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Specific Coverage Endorsements (SCEs) has been updated.

Changes that were made:

Logic was added to the Endorsement Offerings & Premium grid so that, if a user selects an endorsement in the grid and then later selects a different Practice and Length for the line/row, upon refresh of the Endorsement Offerings & Premium grid, the System will, in the backend, reset the endorsement selection for the new Type/Practice/Length combination. If a user does not select a new endorsement in the refreshed grid, the System will throw a hard stop on save alerting the user that an endorsement needs to be selected. This will prevent the System from saving an erroneous/invalid SCE.
An additional layer of logic has been added to LRP SCE functionality so that if an erroneous LRP SCE tries to load when a user opens the View Detail Line page, the Practice for that row on the page will be reset, forcing the user to select a new Practice before they can successfully save the page. This was done so that users don't receive errors when trying to load the View Detail Line page if an erroneous LRP SCE exists for an unidentified as yet reason.




Apples & Grapes: The Springfield RO made changes to the 2024 RY+. Adjustment to High Variability Logic for Michigan Varietal Group A (Fresh) Apples and all Grapes. This ticket implemented support for the changes.

Changes that were made:

Crop Insurance Handbook procedures require yield determination to apply a series of 3 different yield variability tests for most perennial crops. The tests include Yield Variance, Alternate Bearing, and Downward Trend. These tests are performed sequentially within the system. On save of the SYPR grid (in the 2023 RY), the production reported is pushed to the 2024 RY APH and recalculated. This recalculation invokes the yield variability testing. For crops that are excluded from the SYPR scope, save of the Fast Edit PR in the 2024 RY will invoke the calculations. For those small number of crops that require leaf year and/or density to perform the tyield look up, the save of the PAW (Fast Edit PAW or legacy PAW) and/or a save of the APH triggers the calculation.
The system stepped through the CIH tests initially. If the testing determines that Alternate Bearing or Downward Trend results warrant a yield adjustment, the RO UG is applied and the test are repeated removing the 2021 crop year from the calculations. The variability tests are then performed again without the 2021 crop year. If the Yield Variance (without the 2021 crop year) is not triggered, no further testing is required. If the Yield Variance (without the 2021 crop year) is triggered, the testing continues to alternate bearing and downward trend test.

NOTE: Alternate bearing tests are not applicable to grapes and are excluded from this test within the CIH. If Alternate bearing (as applicable) and downward trend tests are triggered, yield adjustment must be performed according to the Crop Insurance Handbook procedures. Additional UG direction is provided ont he special case codes, yield indicators, etc. that should be set for transmission of the data to PASS.

All changes have been implemented according to the Crop Insurance Handbook and Springfield RO UG procedures.


High Risk Land: Updates to the 2024 RY High Risk Land combining HR-ACE (HB) and HR Options are under a new High Risk Land Exclusion Option (HRLEO).

The attached recap document was shared with AIPs during the 09-19-2023 All AIP call and will suffice as release notes.


PHTS: WFRP was included in PHTS Transmission/Import Processing (0076) and the Utilities tab was updated to display PHTS data for WFRP coverages.


VIP:  Producer visibility has been provided for those who RMA requires specific underwriting and pre-harvest inspections of when an insured is a Vertically Integrated Producer (VIP) or production is direct marketed/not supported with disinterested 3rd party records (DM).

Changes that were made:

A new suspension 'Marketing Certification Form is required' was added and will trigger when the following criteria have been met:

Return a suspension if - VIP and/or Direct Marketing/Non-Disinterested 3rd Party checkbox is selected on the coverage AND ‘Marketing Cert’ attachment type does not exist on the policy Message: Marketing Certification Form is required.
The suspension will trigger after a user attempts to mark that coverage complete.


Annual Forage: Updated ARD Lockout Logic to correctly include an AIP preference for processing and trigger lockout based on the Growing Season for 2024 RY+.

Changes that were made:

The RMA updated Annual Forage policy to include 12 growing seasons instead of the previously offered 4 growing seasons. With 12 growing seasons, there are now 12 Acreage Reporting Dates and the standard offset will no longer work for policy processing. A new lockout date logic was added for 2024+ Annual Forage policies to account for 12 ARDs and the need for a shorter offset period. AIPs will be able to set their preferred offset length using a new System Preference, Acreage Reporting Date Offset_Annual Forage, and AIPs can also choose to assign a new System Function, Lockout Bypass Annual Forage ARD, to users who need to bypass this established lockout date. A new System Preference, Acreage Reporting Date Offset_Annual Forage, was added for Annual Forage to allow AIPs to set their Agency level processing window in calendar days.

If the crop is Annual Forage, the Growing Season ARD + AIP offset = lock date for GS detail lines' detail lines.

To remain consistent with other lockouts, day 1 will be equal to the Growing Season's ARD and then the processing window will be counted from there. E.g., Oct-Nov Interval 2024, Oct 5 ARD, October 5 = day 1

If the current date is after the lockout, agents cannot add new detail lines or edit existing detail lines for the coverage.
The default lockout length is 16 days (ARD + 15 day processing) unless an AIP has requested a different length.


Kiwifruit:  RMA has released a new crop pilot program for Kiwifruit (0463) for 2024 RY.

Changes that were made:

System was updated in order to account for and to support the Detail Line and PAW functionality for the new pilot program Kiwifruit. 15679 Ticket included.
151677, 151679

PRF: A new modal window was implemented in TFS 115289 for the entry of insurable acres by Grid ID + intended use (haying or grazing) for PRF. The user is able to add a new entry, edit a current one, select Save or Save & Exit. When the user goes back in to the modal after saving, the entry is there.


Fast Edit PAW was updated for the 2024+RY.

Changes that were made:

If no value was keyed in one or both of the Apply to All - Sign Date fields on the Signature Maintenance popup of Fast Edit PAW at the time the Apply to All button was clicked, any sign date fields that had a keyed, editable value for selected coverages were blanked out for the blank Apply to All - Sign Date field that had no value. The System will not remove an existing, editable date keyed in the applicable Sign Date fields for selected coverages in the grid if no value exists for that Apply to All - Sign Date field at the time Apply the All is clicked.
The Unit Block Details sections on the Fast Edit PAW page are displayed in the order that they display on the Detail Lines tab of the policy for each coverage.

SYPR Uninsured Perennial Crop Production had not been pushed over to the 2024 RYs APH. That has been updated with this ticket.

Changes that were made:

A gap was identified in the 'real time' push of production from the 2023 RY grid to the 2024 RY APH. Production from uninsured acres is not currently being pushed across to the 2024 RY. Until this change is released to production, it will be necessary for agents to re-key uninsured production reported in the 2023 RY SYPR grid to be manually re-keyed in the 2024 RY APH. Following the implementation of this change, the production reported on any 2023 RY UI detail lines will be pushed in a 'real time' manner to the 2024 RY APH. Uninsurable Reason codes applied on the detail line with the UI flag included under the scope of this change include:

P - Unreported Portion of Insurable Acres within Uni

R - Unreported Insurable Unit - Entire unit not reported

S - Uninsurable for Perennial ONLY

U - Uninsured for Perennial ONLY