

The MPCI Estimator allows a user to create coverage estimates using either a Quick Estimate, Full Estimate (2017 and prior RYs), Policy Estimate (2018 and succeeding RYs), or Rate Sheet:

A Quick Estimate can be made without an existing grower/policy. As such, this estimate is calculated using non-policy-specific data.
A Full Estimate is available for new or carryover growers. This estimate is based on existing policy details and provides the most accurate quote for the grower. This type of estimate is only available for the 2017 and prior Reinsurance Years.

NOTE: Batch Estimates are also available for the Full Estimate option. With Batch Estimates, a user can generate Full Estimate quotes for each individual coverage within the batch. These quotes are then attached to the policy and available to print.

A Policy Estimate is available for existing or prospect growers. This estimate can be created on 2018+ RY policies or for prospect growers that do not have any policy data in the System. Because of this, Policy Estimates can be created from within existing policies as well as from the View Policy Estimates page (Estimator > Policy Estimates). Policy Estimates allow users to create a single estimate for a grower that contains multiple crops.
A Rate Sheet can be made without an existing grower/policy. This estimate displays calculations for a range of yields across multiple coverage levels.

Additionally, template functionality for Full and Batch estimates is also available to help speed up data entry.

The different parts of the Estimator are available for various Plan Codes (see the categories below for more detailed information on Plan Codes available). Other Plan Codes will be supported in future releases.