Create a Quick Nursery Estimate

All Reinsurance Years

1. Go to: Estimator > Quick Estimates > Quick Nursery Estimate or Estimator > Quick Estimates > View Quick Estimates > select "Create Quick Nursery Estimate" from the --Select Quick Estimate to Create-- dropdown. The Create Quick Nursery Estimate page opens.
2. In the Coverage Information section, from the State and County dropdowns, select a state and county for the estimate.
3. If the grower qualifies as a beginning farmer/rancher, select the Beginning Farmer Rancher (BFR) checkbox.
4. In the Share field, indicate the percent of share the prospect has in the acreage.
5. In the Estimate Name field, type a name to assign to the estimate using up to 60 characters. This name is displayed in the grid on the View Quick Estimates page and prints on the Quick Estimate Information Report.
6. In the Scenario Information section, from the Year dropdown, select the reinsurance year to use for the estimate. This field is required.

The System validates the selected coverage against the Actuarial Data Master (ADM) to populate the Plan, Level, Price Election %, Unit, Type, Practice, and Options fields that follow. When only one Plan, Unit, Type, and/or Practice is available for the State/County/Commodity, the System defaults to that selection.

7. From the Commodity dropdown, select the commodity you want to include in the estimate.
8. The Plan is already selected as "DO (50)" and displays as read-only. Continue to the next step.
9. From the Level dropdown, select the coverage level to include in the estimate. This field is required.
10. In the Price Election % field, if a buy-up coverage level (e.g., 75%, 70%, etc.) was selected in the previous step, the System defaults the field to "100"; if the price election % is different from the default value, type the value in this field. If CAT was selected in the previous step, the System defaults the field to "55"; you cannot change this value.
11. The Unit is already selected as "BU". Continue to the next step.
12. From the Type dropdown, select a type for the commodity to include in the estimate. This field is required.
13. From the Practice dropdown, select a practice for the commodity to include in the estimate. This field is required.
14. In the Options dropdown, the System displays all options for the State/County/Crop/Coverage Level. Select an option or options to include in the estimate. The options selected are displayed below the Options field in their abbreviated format (e.g., HF or PE) for quick reference.

NOTE: If "PE" is selected as an option for the coverage, the PEAK Inventory Value, PEAK Begin Month, and PEAK End Month fields will be enabled for input in the Inventory Information section of the page.

15. In the Inventory Information section, in the Inventory/Selected Value field, type an inventory/selected value for the commodity.
16. From the Commencement Month dropdown, select the commencement month for the commodity. This field is required.
17. If the PE option was selected on the coverage, the PEAK Inventory Value field is enabled. Type the PEAK inventory value for the commodity in this field.
18. If the PE option was selected on the coverage, the PEAK Begin Month dropdown is enabled. From this dropdown, select the month PEAK begins. This month must be after the Commencement Month indicated in step 16.
19. If the PE option was selected on the coverage, the PEAK End Month dropdown is enabled. From this dropdown, select the month PEAK ends. This must be after the PEAK Begin Month indicated in step 18.
20. Click Calculate. The System calculates the estimate based on the criteria entered and displays the values in the Premium & Loss Information section.
Additionally, a Proration Factor field displays below the Commencement Month field and is read-only; the value for the field calculates based on the month selected. If the type selected for the a scenario is "LI: Liners", a Survival % field also displays below the Proration Factor field and is read-only; this field will only display a value for scenarios on which "LI: Liners" is selected as the type.
21. To add another estimate scenario, click Add Scenario in the column to the right of the original estimate item and repeat steps 620. For more on creating and comparing multiple scenarios, see "Compare Quick Estimates".
22. When you've completed your estimate(s), click one of the following:
Save: Saves the scenario(s), displays the Print Estimate button, and you remain on the Create/Maintain Nursery Estimate page.

NOTE: Clicking the Print Estimate button will print the Quick Nursery Estimate report to a PDF that downloads to your browser window. All scenarios are selected by default to be included in the report. Deselect the checkboxes above any scenarios you do not want included in the report.

Save & Add: Saves the scenario(s) and opens a new Create Quick Nursery Estimate page so you can add another estimate.
Save & Exit: Saves the scenario(s) and closes the Create/Maintain Quick Nursery Estimate page. You are taken to the View Quick Estimates page.
Cancel: Closes the Create/Maintain Quick Nursery Estimate page without saving the estimate and its scenarios.
After saving, the System assigns an estimate number to the record. All estimate numbers are 7-digit numbers, sequentially assigned, that end in the letter “E”. For example,"0000000E" and "0000001E" would indicate the first and second estimates built within the System. Along with the estimate number, the user and date created are also saved with the estimate. Also, the Print Estimate button displays.