Compare Quick Estimates
All Reinsurance Years
You can compare multiple quick estimates by adding similar scenarios on the Create Quick Estimate page (Estimator > Quick Estimates > Quick Estimate) or on the Maintain Quick Estimate page (Estimator > Quick Estimates > View Quick Estimates > click a hyperlinked Estimate# in the grid) if opening an existing estimate.
For each scenario you need to create, in the Scenario Information section, click Add Scenario (a). A new column will appear, and estimate details from the previous scenario will be copied over. You can update selections within the scenario to create a comparison. To copy the Options, Volatility Factor (if enabled), APH Yield, and Rate Yield from the previous column, you can click the corresponding copy button () for those fields to copy the values to the new scenario column. You can create up to seven (7) scenarios on a single estimate for the same State/County/Acres/Share. Then, you can click Calculate (b) to view the scenario comparisons.
To remove a scenario, click the red X icon () that corresponds with the column you want to remove.
SCO & Quick Estimates
If SCO is elected on the estimate, the Premium & Loss Information section displays "(MPCI + SCO)". To view the breakdown of the SCO values, hover over the blue information icon (). A popup displays the values for MPCI and SCO.
STAX & Quick Estimates
If Cotton is the commodity for a scenario (for the 2015 and succeeding Reinsurance Years), the Plan selected is not a standalone-STAX plan (i.e., not STAX-RP or STAX-RPHPE), and values were entered in the fields available in the STAX Information section for the scenario, the Premium & Loss Information section will display "(MPCI + STAX)" for that scenario. To view the breakdown of the MPCI and STAX values, hover over the blue information icon (). A popup displays the values for MPCI and STAX.