Enter Acreage via Fast Edit AR

Locate and open a policy > Detail Lines tab > Fast Edit AR

1. Beginning with the first coverage you need to key acreage for, verify the Unit Number/Procedural #/Code / BU Override fields are correct. Make changes as necessary.

NOTE: To add a detail line to a coverage from within Fast Edit AR, see "Add a Detail Line from within Fast Edit AR"

NOTE: When applicable, a Use BU checkbox displays next to the BU Override dropdown. If desired, select this checkbox to apply the basic unit structure to all detail lines within the basic unit number series. This checkbox does not display for applicable units when the coverage is CAT.

NOTE: When the EU or EP unit structure option code is elected on the coverage, a Manage Unit Structure button is displayed next to the Validate button. Clicking this button opens the Manage Unit Structure popup. See "By Acreage Reporting" for more information on MCEU functionality.

2. Verify that the selected Type and Practice are correct. Any changes to the Type and Practice must be made in the Detail Line Drawer. See "Use the Detail Line Drawer" for more information.
3. If a land ID is associated with the detail line, it is shown in the Land ID column that corresponds with the detail line. To edit an existing land ID, click the Land ID information hyperlink. To add a land ID, click the [Add] hyperlink. See "At a Glance: The Manage Land IDs Popup" for more information on land IDs.

NOTE: New Breaking ("N"), CRP ( "R" ), and Native Sod ("D") detail lines will not be considered "Complete" until CLUs are attached.

4. To apply an option to the detail line, select it from the Options dropdown. The number of options selected then displays in the field.
5. If the APH was already updated or if the detail line was reported in a previous year, the App'd Yield is displayed.
6. If applicable to the detail line, from the Map Area dropdown, select the high-risk classification that applies.
7. If contract prices apply to the insured crop, contracts can be linked to a detail line, but they must first be created through the Utilities tab of the policy as normal. If the Crop, Practice, and Type on the detail line matches with an entered contract, then the contract price is available for selection in the Contract Info dropdown.

NOTE: If CP is elected on the coverage, then in Fast Edit AR, you MUST select CP in the Options field in step 4 if you are selecting a Contract Info value. A hard error will display if a Contract Info value is selected but the CP option is not selected in the Options field.

8. Verify the Share percentage. Make a change if necessary. (If Shareholders are present on the detail line, this percentage and the percentages of the Shareholders must sum to 100%.)
9. If shareholders are associated with the detail line, they are displayed below the Share. See "At a Glance: Shareholders" for more information on adding, viewing, and editing Shareholders from within Fast Edit AR.
10. In the Reported Acres field, type the number of acres the grower reported for the detail line. To plant acres at the field level via the Manage Land IDs popup, see "At a Glance: Planted Fields".

NOTE: If the acres were keyed in the Manage Land IDs popup, this field displays as read-only.

11. If the acreage is uninsurable, from the UI Reason dropdown, select the reason the acreage cannot be insured.

TIP: To view uninsurable types and their descriptions in the user interface, mouse over the UI Reason column header to view a popup with these types and descriptions displayed.

12. If you entered a value in the Reported Acres field for step 10, in the Plant Date field, type the day the acreage was planted in DDMMYYYY format or click the calendar button to open the calendar tool and select the date. The System will default the current calendar year when the month and day are entered in lieu of the full plant date (MM/DD/YYYY). You are allowed to modify the year that is auto-filled, if necessary. Then, if applicable, a Plant Pattern field displays so you can choose a pattern for the crop.

NOTE: For Cotton, the System automatically uses a "Solid" Plant Pattern when Practice is "Non-Irrigated". One the Fast Edit AR is saved, the System will look at lines with acres greater than 0 acres and then the default those NI-Cotton lines to "Solid 1.0" and be read only. For Skip Row Cotton, the "Non-Irrigated Skip Row" Practices require the user to select the Plant Pattern as they are not defaulted.

13. If the acreage was prevented from being planted, select the PP checkbox. The System will only allow this selection upon save if there are no acres or plant date present for the detail line. This checkbox will only appear if applicable to the crop.
14. Repeat steps 1-13 for each detail line on each coverage you are entering an Acreage Report for.

When you've finished keying acres, you can validate your data entry at the coverage level or policy level. See "Validate Acreage in Fast Edit AR" for information on this next step.

1. Beginning with the first coverage you need to key acreage for, verify the Unit Number/Procedural #/Code / BU Override fields are correct. Make changes as necessary.

NOTE: To add a detail line to a coverage from within Fast Edit AR, see "Add a Detail Line from within Fast Edit AR"

NOTE: When applicable, a Use BU checkbox displays next to the BU Override dropdown. If desired, select this checkbox to apply the basic unit structure to all detail lines within the basic unit number series. This checkbox does not display for applicable units when the coverage is CAT.

2. Verify that the selected Type and Practice are correct. Any changes to the Type and Practice must be made in the Detail Line Drawer. See "Use the Detail Line Drawer" for more information.
3. If a land ID is associated with the detail line, it is shown in the Land ID column that corresponds with the detail line. To edit an existing land ID, click the Land ID information hyperlink. To add a land ID, click the [Add] hyperlink. See "At a Glance: The Manage Land IDs Popup" for more information on land IDs.

NOTE: New Breaking ("N"), CRP ( "R" ), and Native Sod ("D") detail lines will not be considered "Complete" until CLUs are attached.

4. To apply an option to the detail line, select it from the Options dropdown. The number of options selected then displays in the field.
5. If the APH was already updated or if the detail line was reported in a previous year, the App'd Yield is displayed.
6. If applicable to the detail line, from the Map Area dropdown, select the high-risk classification that applies.
7. If contract prices apply to the insured crop, contracts can be linked to a detail line, but they must first be created through the Utilities tab of the policy as normal. If the Crop, Practice, and Type on the detail line matches with an entered contract, then the contract price is available for selection in the Contract Info dropdown.

NOTE: If CP is elected on the coverage, then in Fast Edit AR, you MUST select CP in the Options field in step 4 if you are selecting a Contract Info value. A hard error will display if a Contract Info value is selected but the CP option is not selected in the Options field.

8. Verify the Share percentage. Make a change if necessary. (If Shareholders are present on the detail line, this percentage and the percentages of the Shareholders must sum to 100%.)
9. If shareholders are associated with the detail line, they are displayed below the Share. See "At a Glance: Shareholders" for more information on adding, viewing, and editing Shareholders from within Fast Edit AR.
10. In the Reported Acres field, type the number of acres the grower reported for the detail line. To plant acres at the field level via the Manage Land IDs popup, see "At a Glance: Planted Fields".

NOTE: If the acres were keyed in the Manage Land IDs popup, this field displays as read-only.

11. If the acreage is uninsurable, from the UI Reason dropdown, select the reason the acreage cannot be insured.

TIP: To view uninsurable types and their descriptions in the user interface, mouse over the UI Reason column header to view a popup with these types and descriptions displayed.

12. If you entered a value in the Reported Acres field for step 10, in the Plant Date field, type the day the acreage was planted in DDMMYYYY format or click the calendar button to open the calendar tool and select the date. The System will default the current calendar year when the month and day are entered in lieu of the full plant date (MM/DD/YYYY). You are allowed to modify the year that is auto-filled, if necessary. Then, if applicable, a Plant Pattern field displays so you can choose a pattern for the crop.

NOTE: For Cotton, a Plant Pattern must be entered for all Non-Irrigated practices.

13. If the acreage was prevented from being planted, select the PP checkbox. The System will only allow this selection upon save if there are no acres or plant date present for the detail line. This checkbox will only appear if applicable to the crop.
14. Repeat steps 1-13 for each detail line on each coverage you are entering an Acreage Report for.

When you've finished keying acres, you can validate your data entry at the coverage level or policy level. See "Validate Acreage in Fast Edit AR" for information on this next step.