Validate Acreage in Fast Edit AR

Locate and open a policy > Detail Lines tab > Fast Edit AR

The detail lines within each coverage can be manually validated using the Validate button within each coverage section or on save of the Acreage Report.

Once done validating, the System will refresh the page and display "Passed" or "# Errors" on the coverage banner.

"Passed" displays when all detail lines on the coverage passed validations and are free of hard errors or warnings.
"# Errors" displays when one or more detail lines on the coverage contain a hard error or warning. The # indicates the number of detail lines on the coverage that contain an error.

After validation, for those detail lines with errors, error details are shown in red below corresponding detail lines. The System will let you save with hard errors or warnings on the coverage. However, if while keying acreage you encounter a work stoppage error, that error must be resolved before you can continue working.