Add a Detail Line from within Fast Edit AR

Locate and open a policy > Detail Lines tab > Fast Edit AR

Detail lines can be added from the Fast Edit AR page for any coverages on a policy, regardless of whether detail lines are present on a coverage for the selected View Option. For each coverage listed, a user can add a new detail line, complete with the detail line’s Basic Unit #, Optional Unit #, Procedure Number (if applicable), Procedure Code (if applicable), Type, Practice, and Grower’s Share Percent.

1. On the Fast Edit AR page, locate the coverage you need to add a new detail line to.
2. Below the coverage banner, in Add New Unit section, type the Basic Unit number (required) and the Optional Unit number (if applicable), for the new detail line. In the last field, indicate a Procedure number if relevant.

NOTE: If you enter a Procedure Number, an additional dropdown appears for selecting the Procedure Code. Only those codes available for the coverage display. For user reference, a detailed description of each code is displayed when you hover over the Unit Number – BU Override column label.

3. From the Type dropdown, select a type for the unit. Only types available for the coverage are shown (in the RMA abbreviated format). This may, however, include types that do not fall under the Planting Season selected upon entry to Fast Edit AR; after saving the Fast Edit AR page, the System will only display units appropriate for the Planting Season or ARD view. This is required.
4. From the Practice dropdown, select a practice for the unit. Only Practices available for the coverage and Type are shown (in the RMA abbreviated format). This may, however, include practices that do not fall under the Planting Season selected upon entry to Fast Edit AR; when saving the Fast Edit AR page, the System will only the System will only display units appropriate for the Planting Season or ARD view. This is required.
5. In the field to the right of the Practice dropdown, type the grower's Share percent for the detail line. This is a numerical value between “0.000” and “1.000”. This is required.
6. To add Reported Acres and a Plant Date for the new unit, type the respective values in the corresponding fields.
7. To indicate the acreage on a unit is prevented planting, mark the PP checkbox. Marking this checkbox will disable the Plant Date field.
8. If the new unit is uninsurable acreage, from the UI Reason dropdown, select a reason.
9. Click Add New Unit. The unit is added to the first row in the detail line grid below and the Status Indicator displays as "modified".
The detail line is automatically saved to the coverage without the need to click Save or Save & Exit; if a user leaves the page without saving, the detail line appears in the Detail Lines grid with the information provided thus far. Upon re-entering the Fast Edit AR, all lines are sorted by unit number in ascending order.
Once added to the grid, the detail line is ready to be edited. It’s important to note that any changes to new lines after they were initially added to the grid must be saved.