Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF)


The Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) insurance program is a federal crop insurance pilot program that provides insurance protection for perennial forage produced for grazing or haying. Due to the difficulties in measuring price and yield for forage crops—depending on the policy state—the program is based on the average rainfall in a selected area (grid) for a period of time (index interval). If the rainfall is less than expected, the insured is entitled to an indemnity payment. Coverage is based on a producer’s selection of coverage level, index intervals, and productivity factor.

NOTE: Prior to the 2016 Reinsurance Year (RY), PRF policies could be based on either the average rainfall or the density of vegetation in a grid for a period of time (index interval). For the 2016+ RYs, PRF policies can only be created using average rainfall in a grid for a period of time (using the Rainfall Index (RI)).

NOTE: Beginning with the 2020 RY, RMA requires that AIPs transmit latitude and longitude for the Points of Reference (PORs) used to establish the Grid ID for PRF and Apiculture. See "Add a Point of Reference (POR) for PRF/Apiculture" for help with adding PORs for PRF.