

The eSignature module allows users with specific permissions to capture electronic signatures from agents and insureds on available forms at participating agencies for MPCI, Livestock, and Private Product policies. With this module, signatures are captured remotely by being sent via email to the insured and agent.

Who Can Sign Electronically?

The entities allowed to sign eSign enabled documents are the insured or growers and authorized signers associated with policies, and the primary agent for the policy.

NOTE: If an authorized signer is not on a policy yet, they must be added from the Utilities tab of the policy (see "Add a Power of Attorney (POA) to a Policy" for help with adding a POA to a policy as an authorized signer; see "Add an Authorized Representative to a Policy" for help with adding an authorized representative to a policy as an authorized signer; see "Add a Grantee to a Policy" for help with adding a grantee to a policy as an authorized signer). Once they're added from there, their authority record will be available from the Grower tab of the policy or grower record.

If an agent does not have the ability to eSign forms for a policy, they should be able to contact their AIP for assistance.