Add a Power of Attorney (POA) to a Policy

All Reinsurance Years

If a Power of Attorney is applicable, this information is added for the grower from the Utilities tab of a policy.

1. Locate and open the policy you need to add a Power of Attorney to. The policy opens on the Coverages tab.
2. Select the Utilities tab.
3. On the Utilities tab, in the Signature Authorizations section, click Add Power of Attorney/Authorized Representative/Authorized Representative/Grantee. The Create Authority Record page opens.
4. From the Authorization Type dropdown, select "Power of Attorney". Address fields display, and the POA RIGHTS section displays at the bottom of the page.
5. In the Beginning RY and Ending RY fields, type the years, in YYYY format, for which this Power of Attorney is in effect. Ending RY is not required.
6. In the First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields, type the corresponding names for the Power of Attorney in each field.
7. In the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, Zip Code, and Zip Extension fields, type the corresponding address components for the Power of Attorney in each field. This field is not required but is used for printing POA addresses on forms.
8. In the Phone Number field, type the phone number for the Power of Attorney.
9. In the Email Address field, type the email address for the Power of Attorney.
10. If desired, type a note about the Power of Attorney in the Notes field.
11. In the POA RIGHTS section, mark the checkbox for each right that applies to this Power of Attorney. Your options are:
Making Application for insurance
Making crop acreage reports
Giving notice of damage or loss
Making claim for indemnity
Making policy changes
Making transfers and cancellations
Providing program required production reports
All of the Above - Taking all actions related to the insurance coverage provided under the above policy and/or policy number
12. To save or discard your changes, do one or more of the following:
To save the Power of Attorney but stay on the page, click Save.
To save the Power of Attorney but open a new Create Authority Record page, click Save & Add.
To save the Power of Attorney and return to the View Grower for Policy page, click Save & Exit. The Power of Attorney is displayed in the Signature Authorizations section of this page.
To discard your changes and return to the View Grower for Policy page, click Cancel.

Whenever a new Power of Attorney is added to a policy, the policy's status is changed to "Incomplete" so that it goes through Mark Complete validation again to verify that the POA attachment has also been added.