Create an MP/MP-HPO Coverage

The steps for creating an MP/MP-HPO coverage differ depending on whether the user is creating a new standalone policy for the coverage or a new coverage on a related base policy. For more information on Margin Protection, see "Margin Protection (MP & MP-HPO)".

NOTE: According to RMA, on MP policies, the unit structure election must be made by the earlier SCD. For 2022+ RYs, to do this, the Unit Structure Transaction Code field displays on the Add New Policy and Add New/Maintain Coverage pages when Margin Protection is elected. In this field, for the related MP coverage, the user selects the unit structure that the grower is electing on the base coverage even though its SCD is later. Then, when the base coverage is added, the user selects which type of enterprise units they are electing (e.g., a single EU for the crop/county, EUs by Irrigation Practice, EUs by Cropping Practice, MCEU) and based on that election, the System determines the proper Unit Structure Transaction code. If the user selects a different unit structure on the base coverage than what was selected in the Unit Structure Transaction Code on the MP coverage, the System will throw a suspension and the coverages will also error at RMA.