Margin Protection (MP & MP-HPO)


The System supports the Margin Protection (MP) and Margin Protection – Harvest Price Option (MP-HPO) insurance plans. MP (Plan 16) and MP-HPO (Plan 17) provide growers with coverage against an unexpected decrease in their operating margins (revenue less input costs). These plans are area-based and use county-level estimates of average revenue and input costs to establish the amount of coverage and indemnity payments. Because MP and MP-HPO are area-based (average for a county), they may not reflect a grower's individual experience.

A payment may be made when the harvest margin for the county is lower than the trigger margin due to a decrease in revenue and/or an increase in input costs. Margin Protection will cover a portion of that shortfall.

Margin Protection is available for Corn, Rice, Soybeans, and Wheat in select states and counties. Consult the actuarial documents for MP and MP-HPO availability and Sales Closing Dates by state/county/crop.

For additional specifics regarding this plan, see the RMA site page for Margin Protection.