Add Acreage from the Detail Lines Tab

All Reinsurance Years

For coverages that did not have acres reported in the previous Reinsurance Year or for those plant types that cannot have acres reported via Fast Edit AR, acres must be reported from the Detail Lines tab of the policy.

1. Locate and open the policy for which you need to enter an Acreage Report. The policy opens on the Coverages tab.
2. Select the Detail Lines tab.
3. On the Detail Lines tab, click the Unit Number hyperlink that corresponds with the detail line you need to report acreage for. The Maintain Detail Line page opens.

NOTE: To change the coverage shown on the Detail Lines tab, select the coverage from the dropdown next to the Detail Line Information header. The Detail Lines grid refreshes and displays the detail lines for the newly-selected coverage.

4. On the Maintain Detail Line page, in the Acreage Information section, verify the Unit Number, Procedure Number, Crop Type, Crop Practice, and Detail Line Options fields. Make changes as necessary.
5. In the Reported Acres field, type the number of acres the grower reported for the detail line.

6. If you entered a value in the Reported Acres field for step 5, in the Plant Date field, type the day the acreage was planted in DDMMYYYY format or click the calendar button to open the calendar tool and select the date.
7. If the acreage on the detail line is uninsurable, mark the Uninsurable checkbox. The Uninsured Reason dropdown displays. From this dropdown, select the reason the acreage is uninsurable.
8. If the acreage was prevented from being planted, mark the PP checkbox. The System will only allow this selection upon save if there no acres or a plant date are present for the detail line.
9. Verify the Share percentage. Make a change if necessary. (If Shareholders are present on the detail line, this percentage and the percentages of the Shareholders must sum to 100%.)
10. If applicable, from the Modified Acreage dropdown, select the reason for the acreage modification.
11. Your next step depends on whether an APH has been established for the detail line:
If no APH has been established, the Estimated Yield and Estimated Rate Yield fields display. Type an estimated yield and estimated rate yield for the detail line. To open the APH and add production, click the Add APH hyperlink.
If an APH was already updated or if the detail line was reported in a previous year, the Approved Yield and Rate Yield fields display with the released yield and rate for the detail line. Click the Approved Yield hyperlink to open the APH.
12. If a certain Commodity Cropping Status or Acreage Type elections need to be made, you can add those here.
13. To add comments to the detail line that will stay with the grower's record, type them in the Comments text box. To have the comments print with AR forms, select the Print Comments on Forms checkbox.
14. If shareholders are associated with the detail, they are displayed in the Shareholder Information section. To add a shareholder or edit an existing shareholder, click the Edit/Add Shareholder(s) button. See "At a Glance: Shareholders" for more information on adding, viewing, and editing Shareholders..
15. If a land ID is associated with the detail line, it is displayed in the Land Identifiers section. To add a land ID or edit an existing land ID, click the Edit/Add Land ID(s) button. See "At a Glance: The Manage Land IDs Popup" for more information on land IDs.
16. For your next step, do one of the following:
To save the acreage changes on the detail line and remain on the Maintain Detail Line page, click the Save button. The GPA, Liability, Experience Factor, Total Premium, Producer Premium, and Subsidy Reduction are calculated and displayed. To enter acreage for other detail lines on the coverage, next to the detail line dropdown under the Acreage Information header, click the Next >> button. The System opens the Maintain Detail Line page for the next detail line on the coverage.
To save the acreage changes and return to the Detail Lines tab, click the Save & Exit button. The System prompts you to select whether or not you want to process zero acreage for the crops shown. This should only be done if all acres have been entered for the coverage. On the Detail Lines tab, the detail line has been updated with the Guarantee per Acre, Acres, Plant Date, and premium calculations. Before the Acreage Report can be completed, signatures must be added. See "Add Signatures via Signature Maintenance".
To cancel the changes to the acreage report, click the Cancel button.