Claims & Inspections Register Results Grid

All Reinsurance Years

The Results grid on the Claims & Inspections Register is where claims or inspections that match the search criteria selected by the user—either via the Quick Search dropdown or from the Search Filters area—display. By default, claims or inspections display in the grid in an ascending order by Claim Number or Inspection Number; however, the user can manually sort, filter (for columns where the filtering tool icon appears in the column header), and group claims or inspections in the Results grid using the column headers. Users can also set a different default sort order for the grid from the Claims & Inspections Register Settings page for each view of the register. For additional help with this, see "Set the Default Sort Order for the Results Grid".

The Results grid on the MPCI view of the Claims & Inspections Register. Some of the columns displayed in the grid are specific to the MPCI view (e.g., Claim Type and Days Open).

The columns that display for claims or inspections in the Claims & Inspections Register’s Results grid are dependent on two things: (1) the view that the user is on (MPCI, Private Products, or Inspections) and (2) whether the user has edited the Results grid column settings for that view. For more information on editing the Results grid column settings for a view of the Claims & Inspections Register, see "Set the Columns Displayed in the Results Grid".