Set the Default Sort Order for the Results Grid

All Reinsurance Years

The Claims & Inspections Register allows users to customize the default sort order of the Results grid—per view of the register—using the Sort Order dropdowns on the Claims & Inspections Register Settings page. By default, the sort order of the Results grid for the MPCI and Private Products views of the register is in ascending Claim Number order; the sort order of the Results grid for the Inspections view of the register is in ascending Inspection Number order.

1. On the Claims & Inspections Register, click Settings. The Claims & Inspections Register Settings page opens.

NOTE: The Claims & Inspections Register Settings page is different for each view (MPCI, Private Products, or Inspections) of the register. Verify that you are on the view you want to change settings for by checking the option selected in the Product Type dropdown and adjust as necessary.

2. In the Register Results section, in the Sort Order area, select the column you'd like to order results in the Results grid by from the first dropdown.

3. From the second dropdown, select whether you would like the results to be in "Ascending" or "Descending" order based on the values in the column you selected to order the grid by in step 2.
4. Click Update to save your changes and return to the Claims & Inspections Register for the view. The Results grid on the view of the Claims & Inspections Register you updated the sort order of will refresh and display results in the sort order you selected.