Import CIMS Data in Fast Edit CLU

Understand CIMS in the System

The System automatically imports CIMS data for policies on three occasions:

When the policy is new or an incoming transfer,
When the AR sign date is entered for a coverage, and
When a Notice of Loss is entered in the System.

And, with the addition of Fast Edit CLU functionality, the System also updates the CIMS data automatically on a weekly basis. The data from CIMS imports is then stored, in the System, in a staging table until a user manually requests the information in Fast Edit CLU.

NOTE: To see the date the CIMS file was last imported, go to: Tools > CIMS Results.

For more information, see "At a Glance: CIMS".

Manually Import CIMS Data

When using Fast Edit CLU, a user will manually import CIMS data through an individual import for a single policy:

Individual Import: You can refresh the CIMS data for the selected policy to make sure you’re using the most up-to-date information from the CIMS files. To refresh the data on the page, click Import from CIMS. The System refreshes and displays any additional FSN/Tract/Field information available.

A green banner will inform you of the number of fields that were updated, and if applicable, a warning banner will tell you how many fields were skipped due to their CIMS data already being up-to-date. You can dismiss these banners by clicking on the corresponding banners.

NOTE: It’s important to note that, if you entered values on the Fast Edit CLU page in a previous session, importing will not overwrite any entered data. Only new CIMS field data will be pulled in.