Delete a Land ID

All Reinsurance Years

1. From one of the access points shown in "At a Glance: The Manage Land IDs Popup", open the Manage Land IDs popup. The existing Land IDs are shown.
2. Locate the Land ID you need to delete, and in the corresponding row, click the trash icon. The System deletes the Land ID from the detail line and it is no longer shown in the Land ID grid.

WARNING: Deletions are real-time and do not require that the user click Save to save the deletion. You cannot “Cancel” a deleted Land ID.

3. To delete ALL Land IDs on a detail line, click the trash icon in the column heading. The System prompts you to confirm the deletion of all lines.
4. If Planted Fields are associated with the Land ID (the Fields column displays as “View CLU”) you want to delete, the System prompts you to confirm the deletion: “Are you sure you want to delete this Land ID and its Planted Fields?” If you click OK, the System deletes the Land ID and all Planted Fields from the detail line.