Save Production in Fast Edit PR

Once production has been added, the APH has been updated as needed via Preliminary Save, and each coverage has been validated, you need to perform a standard save of the coverage to retain entries made in Fast Edit PR.

The System offers two save options: Save and Save & Continue. Save invokes validation of each coverage while Save & Continue invokes validation of the coverages and, if successful, takes you to the next step in the production reporting process.

If you choose Save and Continue, the next step depends on the coverages you’re reporting production for. Two popups may display after Save & Continue:

An Assigned Yield popup is displayed if one or more detail lines have greater than zero acres and production is zero. The Assigned Yield popup will include a list of coverages with detail lines that fall into this scenario to allow you to select which coverages assigned yields should be applied to.
A Signature Maintenance popup now appears after Save & Continue so you can easily add signature dates from reporting documents. See "Add Signatures via Signature Maintenance" for more information.

NOTE: When reporting production for the current year for stand-alone STAX or MP or ARPI, the production values are pushed to the next RY by adding the RY values as a new row in the next year's APH-like record.