Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO)

All Reinsurance Years

The Supplemental Coverage Option, or SCO, is based on the planted, insurable acres of an underlying, or "companion", MPCI coverage. SCO must be purchased from the same AIP who writes the required underlying/companion coverage and must be added to the same policy as the underlying/companion coverage. Consult the actuarial documents for SCO availability and Sales Closing Dates by state/county/crop.

The System was designed to treat SCO as an option even though the RMA did not issue an option code in the ADM. If available for the Reinsurance Year, State, County, and Crop, the System will display an internal "SCO" option code for selection when adding or editing the underlying/companion coverage, which is required to insure the option. Once elected, the System will use the SCO option code from the ADM when populating SCO information on forms as well as determining the appropriate SCO premium rating and claim calculations. In order to do this, the System will use the underlying/companion coverage Plan Code and convert it to the appropriate SCO Plan Code when reading the ADM tables for applicable SCO lines. The following crosswalk will be used to determine the conversion when needed:

If the underlying/companion coverage Plan Code is Then the new SCO Plan Code is
"01", "55" "31"
"02" "32"
"03" "33"
"Plan 90" (for Category B and C crops) "31"