Add Annual Forage (AF) Coverage

Due to the complexity of the annual forage in the 2024+ RYs, the System now requires annual forage coverages to be on their own policy.

Whereas PRF allows you to insure a commodity in a Grid ID for multiple Index Intervals on the same coverage (i.e., each detail line on the coverage is a different Index Interval), Annual Forage requires coverage for each different Index Interval. For the 2024+ RYs, however, the System allows a user to add index intervals to all

NOTE: If a grower wants to insure a grid ID for the MAR-APR and JUN-JUL Index Intervals, he would purchase two coverages, one for each Index Interval.

1. Using the search bar, locate the policy that you need to add Annual Forage coverage to. The View MPCI Policy page opens on the Coverages tab.
2. In the MPCI Coverage Information grid, click Add. The Add New Coverage page opens.
3. Verify the Policy State field. Only Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas allow Annual Forage coverage for the current RY. If the Policy State isn’t accurate, create a new policy for the grower.

The System validates your selections for County Name, Crop Name, Crop Plan, and Coverage Level and modifies the available fields and options within each.

4. In the County Name field, select the county for the coverage.
5. In the Crop Name field, select “Annual Forage”.
6. In the Crop Plan field, select “RI” for Rainfall Index. The System validates your selection and changes the remaining fields to those that are specific to Annual Forage.
7. From the Growing Season dropdown, select the growing season that applies to the coverage.
8. In the Index Interval (Practice) field, select an interval for the coverage. This is the two-month period when precipitation is critical to the grower’s operation. Index Intervals cannot overlap within the same growing season.

NOTE: The “Sept-Mar Index Interval” and “Mar-Sept Index Interval” options are only allowed for CAT coverage.

9. In the Coverage Level field, select a level of coverage for the Index Interval indicated in the previous step. Only one coverage level can be selected for the county (i.e., you cannot have two coverages on a policy for the same county with different coverage levels in the same growing season.) And, remember, CAT coverage is only available if you selected the “Sept-Mar Index Interval” or “Mar-Sept Index Interval” option.

NOTE: If the grower does not have any insured planted acreage in growing season 1, the grower can change the coverage level for growing season 2 until the Sales Closing Date.

10. In the Productivity Factor box, use the arrows to indicate the percentage of the county value the grower expects for the coverage in that county. Choosing 100% indicates that the grower will produce the same as the county yield. You can select a value between 60 and 150 (e.g., 61, 100, 104). If you select CAT coverage, then this field is automatically set to “45%” and cannot be changed. This productivity factor is elected per growing season and a grower cannot have different productivity factors selected within the same county.

NOTE: Productivity Factors available in Colorado and New Mexico were updated from 100% to 150%.

11. In the Percent of Value field, allocate a percentage of the total insured value to the Index Interval you selected in step 7. If you only have one unit, indicate “100%”. Annual Forage permits a grower to select a percent of value for each growing season. This value is applied to all grids in the county selected. The total sum of all values across the Index Intervals must equal 100% for each growing season.
12. For select counties in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, a "Dual Use" Crop Option is available on Growing Season 1. Selecting this option allows growers to insure their small grain crop under the Annual Forage policy for grazing as well as under and MPCI Small Grains Policy for Grain. When Dual Use is elected and applied to a detail line, a reduced County Base Value (CBV) applies to the premium calculation.
13. In the Coverage Status dropdown, select whether the coverage is an “Internal Transfer”, “New”, or “Transfer In”. If “Internal Transfer” or “Transfer In” is selected, the Previous Company dropdown and Previous Policy # field appear. Select the company that previously held the policy and type the applicable policy number.
14. In the Insured Agent Signature Date field, type the date the insured signed off on the coverage.
15. In the Agent Signature Date field, type the date the agent signed off on the coverage.
16. In the Disclaimer Signature field, type the date the insured read, acknowledged, and signed off on the disclaimers applicable to the coverage.
17. In the Certification Signature field, type the date the insured read, acknowledged, and signed off on the Certification Statement.
18. To apply a Late Processed flag to the coverage, select the flag type from the Late Processed Flag dropdown.
19. Verify the Agent of Record and continue to step 19.
20. If this policy is a carryover with the same agent from the previous reinsurance year, the Is Carryover is marked. If this policy is not marked, but was a transfer from one agent to another within the same AIP, mark this checkbox.
21. To indicate that the grower is a Verically Integrated Producer,
22. To request PHTS or New Producer information for the grower from RMA, from the PHTS/New Producer Request dropdown, select an appropriate option.
23. To request CIMS data from RMA, mark the Request CIMS checkbox.
24. Click Save & Exit to return to the View MPCI Policy page. The coverage is shown in the Coverage Information grid.
1. Using the search bar, locate the policy that you need to add Annual Forage coverage to. The View MPCI Policy page opens on the Coverages tab.
2. In the MPCI Coverage Information grid, click Add. The Add New Coverage page opens.
3. Verify the Policy State field. Only Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas allow Annual Forage coverage for the current RY. If the Policy State isn’t accurate, create a new policy for the grower.

The System validates your selections for County Name, Crop Name, Crop Plan, and Coverage Level and modifies the available fields and options within each.

4. In the County Name field, select the county for the coverage.
5. In the Crop Name field, select “Annual Forage”.
6. In the Crop Plan field, select “RI” for Rainfall Index. The System validates your selection and changes the remaining fields to those that are specific to Annual Forage.
7. From the Growing Season dropdown, select the growing season that applies to the coverage.
8. In the Index Interval (Practice) field, select an interval for the coverage. This is the two-month period when precipitation is critical to the grower’s operation. Index Intervals cannot overlap within the same growing season.

NOTE: The “Sept-Mar Index Interval” and “Mar-Sept Index Interval” options are only allowed for CAT coverage.

9. In the Coverage Level field, select a level of coverage for the Index Interval indicated in the previous step. Only one coverage level can be selected for the county (i.e., you cannot have two coverages on a policy for the same county with different coverage levels in the same growing season.) And, remember, CAT coverage is only available if you selected the “Sept-Mar Index Interval” or “Mar-Sept Index Interval” option.

NOTE: If the grower does not have any insured planted acreage in growing season 1, the grower can change the coverage level for growing season 2 until the Sales Closing Date.

10. In the Productivity Factor box, use the arrows to indicate the percentage of the county value the grower expects for the coverage in that county. Choosing 100% indicates that the grower will produce the same as the county yield. You can select a value between 60 and 150 (e.g., 61, 100, 104). If you select CAT coverage, then this field is automatically set to “45%” and cannot be changed. This productivity factor is elected per growing season and a grower cannot have different productivity factors selected within the same county.

NOTE: Productivity Factors available in Colorado and New Mexico were updated from 100% to 150%.

11. In the Percent of Value field, allocate a percentage of the total insured value to the Index Interval you selected in step 7. If you only have one unit, indicate “100%”. Annual Forage permits a grower to select a percent of value for each growing season. This value is applied to all grids in the county selected. The total sum of all values across the Index Intervals must equal 100% for each growing season.
12. For select counties in Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, a "Dual Use" Crop Option is available on Growing Season 1. Selecting this option allows growers to insure their small grain crop under the Annual Forage policy for grazing as well as under and MPCI Small Grains Policy for Grain. When Dual Use is elected and applied to a detail line, a reduced County Base Value (CBV) applies to the premium calculation.
13. In the Coverage Status dropdown, select whether the coverage is an “Internal Transfer”, “New”, or “Transfer In”. If “Internal Transfer” or “Transfer In” is selected, the Previous Company dropdown and Previous Policy # field appear. Select the company that previously held the policy and type the applicable policy number.
14. In the Insured Agent Signature Date field, type the date the insured signed off on the coverage.
15. In the Agent Signature Date field, type the date the agent signed off on the coverage.
16. In the Disclaimer Signature field, type the date the insured read, acknowledged, and signed off on the disclaimers applicable to the coverage.
17. In the Certification Signature field, type the date the insured read, acknowledged, and signed off on the Certification Statement.
18. To apply a Late Processed flag to the coverage, select the flag type from the Late Processed Flag dropdown.
19. Verify the Agent of Record and continue to step 19.
20. If this policy is a carryover with the same agent from the previous reinsurance year, the Is Carryover is marked. If this policy is not marked, but was a transfer from one agent to another within the same AIP, mark this checkbox.
21. To indicate that the grower is a Verically Integrated Producer,
22. To request PHTS or New Producer information for the grower from RMA, from the PHTS/New Producer Request dropdown, select an appropriate option.
23. To request CIMS data from RMA, mark the Request CIMS checkbox.
24. Click Save & Exit to return to the View MPCI Policy page. The coverage is shown in the Coverage Information grid.
1. Using the search bar, locate the policy that you need to add Annual Forage coverage to. The View MPCI Policy page opens on the Coverages tab.
2. In the MPCI Coverage Information grid, click Add. The Add New Coverage page opens.
3. Verify the Policy State field. Only Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas allow Annual Forage coverage for the current RY. If the Policy State isn’t accurate, create a new policy for the grower.

The System validates your selections for County Name, Crop Name, Crop Plan, and Coverage Level and modifies the available fields and options within each.

4. In the County Name field, select the county for the coverage.
5. In the Crop Name field, select “Annual Forage”.
6. In the Crop Plan field, select “RI” for Rainfall Index. The System validates your selection and changes the remaining fields to those that are specific to Annual Forage.
7. From the Growing Season dropdown, select the growing season that applies to the coverage.
8. In the Index Interval (Practice) field, select an interval for the coverage. This is the two-month period when precipitation is critical to the grower’s operation. Index Intervals cannot overlap within the same growing season.

NOTE: The “Sept-Mar Index Interval” and “Mar-Sept Index Interval” options are only allowed for CAT coverage.

9. In the Coverage Level field, select a level of coverage for the Index Interval indicated in the previous step. Only one coverage level can be selected for the county (i.e., you cannot have two coverages on a policy for the same county with different coverage levels in the same growing season.) And, remember, CAT coverage is only available if you selected the “Sept-Mar Index Interval” or “Mar-Sept Index Interval” option.

NOTE: If the grower does not have any insured planted acreage in growing season 1, the grower can change the coverage level for growing season 2 until the Sales Closing Date.

10. In the Productivity Factor box, use the arrows to indicate the percentage of the county value the grower expects for the coverage in that county. Choosing 100% indicates that the grower will produce the same as the county yield. You can select a value between 60 and 150 (e.g., 61, 100, 104). If you select CAT coverage, then this field is automatically set to “45%” and cannot be changed. This productivity factor is elected per growing season and a grower cannot have different productivity factors selected within the same county.
11. In the Percent of Value field, allocate a percentage of the total insured value to the Index Interval you selected in step 7. If you only have one unit, indicate “100%”. Annual Forage permits a grower to select a percent of value for each growing season. This value is applied to all grids in the county selected. The total sum of all values across the Index Intervals must equal 100% for each growing season.
12. In the Coverage Status dropdown, select whether the coverage is an “Internal Transfer”, “New”, or “Transfer In”. If “Internal Transfer” or “Transfer In” is selected, the Previous Company dropdown and Previous Policy # field appear. Select the company that previously held the policy and type the applicable policy number.
13. In the Insured Agent Signature Date field, type the date the insured signed off on the coverage.
14. In the Agent Signature Date field, type the date the agent signed off on the coverage.
15. In the Disclaimer Signature field, type the date the insured read, acknowledged, and signed off on the disclaimers applicable to the coverage.
16. In the Certification Signature field, type the date the insured read, acknowledged, and signed off on the Certification Statement.
17. To apply a Late Processed flag to the coverage, select the flag type from the Late Processed Flag dropdown.
18. Verify the Agent of Record and continue to step 19.
19. If this policy is a carryover with the same agent from the previous reinsurance year, the Is Carryover is marked. If this policy is not marked, but was a transfer from one agent to another within the same AIP, mark this checkbox.
20. To indicate that the grower is a Verically Integrated Producer,
21. To request PHTS or New Producer information for the grower from RMA, from the PHTS/New Producer Request dropdown, select an appropriate option.
22. To request CIMS data from RMA, mark the Request CIMS checkbox.
23. Click Save & Exit to return to the View MPCI Policy page. The coverage is shown in the Coverage Information grid.