Import an SBI Record from Another Policy

All Reinsurance Years

To make data entry quicker and easier, from within the Grower tab of a policy, a user can import SBI records from a different policy if the grower Tax ID Numbers and the Reinsurance Years on each policy are the same.

1. Locate and open the policy you need to import an SBI for. The policy opens on the Coverages tab.
2. Select the Grower tab.
3. On the Grower tab, in the SBI Information section, in the Add Records From Another Policy field, type the whole number of the policy you want to import the SBI records from. This number is 12-digits long (the full number is formatted in this manner: XX-XXX-XXXXXXX). The System will import all records from this policy, which you can later add to and edit.
4. Click Import. If the TIN numbers match across the two policies, the System notifies you of the number of SBIs that were brought over from the policy number you entered. Click OK. The SBIs display in the SBI Information grid.
5. If needed, click the hyperlinked name of the SBI to edit the SBI Share or other information. See "Edit a Substantial Beneficial Interest (SBI) on a Policy".
6. To remove an SBI brought over from the policy number you entered, see"Delete a Substantial Beneficial Interest (SBI) from a Policy".