Edit a Substantial Beneficial Interest (SBI) on a Policy

All Reinsurance Years

As with adding an SBI, you can edit an existing SBI from the Grower tab of a policy. However, you cannot edit an SBI after the lock-out date.

1. Locate and open the policy you need to edit an SBI for. The policy opens on the Coverages tab.
2. Select the Grower tab.
3. On the Grower tab, in the SBI Information section, click the hyperlinked name of the SBI you need to edit. The View SBI page opens.
4. Click Edit. The Maintain SBI page opens.
5. Change any of the editable fields as necessary.
6. To save or discard your changes, do one or more of the following:
To save changes to the SBI but stay on the page, click Save. This option only displays when changes have been made to the record.
To save changes to the SBI but open a new Add New SBI page, click Save & Add. This option only displays when changes have been made to the record.
To save changes to the SBI and return to the View Grower for Policy page, click Save & Exit. This option only displays when changes have been made to the record.
To discard your changes to the SBI and return to the View Grower for Policy page, click Cancel.