Beginning Farmer/Rancher


Beginning Farmer/Rancher (BFR) is a procedure that waives Admin Fees and discounts premium by 10%. To qualify as a Beginning Farmer/Rancher, an individual must not have operated and managed, for more than 5 years actively, a farm or ranch in any state with a bona fide insurable interest in a crop or livestock as an owner/operator, landlord, tenant, or sharecropper.

BFR cannot be added/edited after the SCD for the current policy coverages (not all policies for the grower). BFR status must be approved by the AIP; however, a suspension for review will not be triggered until the coverage has been marked complete and detail lines exist.


"Add the BFR Status to a Grower/SBI Record"

"Remove the BFR/VFR Status from a Grower/SBI Record"