Use the PRF/Apiculture Wizard

All Reinsurance Years

To help users assign fields (and Lat/Long coordinates, or POR, points of reference) to PRF/Apiculture coverages, the Mapping module offers PRF/Apiculture Wizard in the Tools menu when the user has the required permissions. Fields as well as their CLU Acres and Lat/Long coordinates assigned to Unit Groups in the wizard can then be synced back to the Policy/Coverage in the System and transmitted to the RMA for acreage reporting purposes.

Once you've created the coverage in the System (or the previous years' policies have rolled), you can assign acreage and Lat/Long coordinates with the PRF/Apiculture Wizard. The following three sections will walk you through using the wizard to assign fields to PRF/Apiculture coverages.

IMPORTANT NOTE: To ensure accurate assignment of fields, make sure the Rainfall Index layer is turned on so you can clearly see which Grid ID each field falls within.


Export the Field Listing

To print a list of all of the fields within the PRF/Apiculture wizard, click the Excel button. An Excel document downloads in your browser window. This export includes the Unit Group information (State, County, Crop, Type, Irrigation Practice, Organic Practice, Grid ID, and Share), Farm, Tract, Field, Insurable Acres, Insured Acres, and POR. You can also access this functionality outside of the PRF Wizard in Print > Field Listing.