Reshape the Boundaries of an Existing Field

All Reinsurance Years

A new Re-Shape Field Tool (Tools > Re-Shape Field) has been added to the Mapping module to allow users to re-shape the boundaries of an existing field. Combine this with one or more of the other tools to create the most realistic view of a policyholder's acreage.

1. Go to: Tools > Re-Shape Field. Two buttons, Save Re-Shaped Field (green) and Cancel Re-Share Changes (red), display next to the Tools dropdown.
2. On the map, click the field you want to re-shape to set the target field.
3. After clicking on the field, place your mouse on the field boundary until the cursor changes to a node symbol.

4. Hold your mouse down and drag the node to the desired location. Continue moving along the edge of the boundary until the desired shape is complete.

5. When finished, click the Save Re-Shaped Field or Cancel Re-Shape Changes.