Enter a Conflict of Interest (COI) Using the Online Disclosure Entry Tool

All Reinsurance Years

1. Go to: Tools > Dashboard > Disclosure Entry tab. The Online Disclosure Entry page opens.
2. From Person Type, select "Individual".

3. From Type, select "Conflict of Interest".
4. In Tax ID, type the full tax ID found on your entity record (e.g., 000110000 or 000-11-0000).
5. In Last Name, type the last name found on your user profile.

NOTE: To find out what your name is listed as in your user profile, you can click the icon in the System header to open a sub-menu. The first line of this menu is the name on your user profile in read-only text.

6. From Year, select the year you want to sign a COI for. Only certain years may display in this dropdown.

NOTE: The Year field, for users with certain permissions, displays as a dropdown which lists each RY available in the System; this dropdown allows the user to enter a COI for any RY selected from it.

7. Click Search. The COI Information page for online COI entry opens. Summary information including your name, TIN (Tax ID), the agency you're associated with, etc. appears in the header of the page.
8. If you need to print the COI form for a specific RY, in the header of the COI Information page, select a RY from the year dropdown; then, click Print COI Form. The form begins downloading as a PDF to your browser for you to save or open to view.

NOTE: This form will print as pre-filled if a COI has been entered for the RY selected. If no COI information exists for the RY selected, the form will print pre-headed.

9. Answer questions 1-10 by selecting either "Yes" or "No".
If you select "Yes" for a question, the Maintain Policies in Conflict popup opens allowing you to search for and/or add policies in conflict for the selected question. Continue to step 10.
If you select "No" for a question, one of two things will happen:
If no policies in conflict are currently showing beneath that question, the "No" option will be selected. Then, you can answer any remaining questions.
If there are policies in conflict showing beneath that question, the Maintain Policies in Conflict popup opens. You must remove any policies listed in the Policies in Conflict or Policies to Verify grids. Skip to step 12.
10. If you need to add policies in conflict on the Maintain Policies in Conflict popup for a question, do so using one of the following two methods:
11. When done adding policies in conflict for a question in the Maintain Policies in Conflict popup, click Save & Continue. You are returned to the COI Information page and the policies in conflict you added display under that particular question. Any external policies in conflict display with an asterisk (*).

NOTE: If you need to change the policies in conflict for a question after you've clicked Save & Continue, click the green plus sign (+) that displays in front of the policy numbers beneath each question.

If you need to remove previously-added policies in conflict from the Maintain Policies in Conflict popup for a question, continue to step 12.
If you are done answering questions 1-10 and adding/removing policies in conflict to/from questions 1-10, skip to step 14.
12. If you need to remove policies in conflict on the Maintain Policies in Conflict popup for a question, do one of the following based on which grid the policies are in:
13. When done removing policies in conflict for a question, click Save & Continue. You are returned to the COI Information page and the policies you removed no longer display under that particular question.
If you need to add policies in conflict to the Maintain Policies in Conflict popup for a question, return to step 10.
If you are done answering questions 1-10 and adding/removing policies in conflict to/from questions 1-10, continue to step 14.
14. For question 11, select either "Yes" or "No".
If you select "Yes", the Note popup will open. Continue to step 15.
If you select "No", skip to step 17.
15. Enter any notes for question 11.

16. Click Save. You are returned to the COI Information page.
17. When you have answered questions 1-11 on the COI Information page and are satisfied with your entries, click Complete Certification. Your answers are submitted, and you are directed to the COI Certification page with the Certification statements. The System embeds the Full Name from your user profile in the Discloser's Name field and in the first statement in the Certification Statements section. The System also pre-fills the electronically-certified date with the current System date.
18. From here, you can save, exit, or return to the COI Information page by clicking one the following buttons:

Cancel: Click this button to return to the COI Information page without saving your COI. A popup opens informing you that your COI was not submitted to the AIP. Click OK to continue or Cancel to close the popup and return to the COI Certification page. The COI form will not attach to your entity disclosure record, and your answers will not be saved in the Online Disclosure Entry tool.
Return to COI Screen: Click this button to return to the COI Information page without saving/attaching the COI form to your entity disclosure record. A popup opens informing you that your COI was not submitted to the AIP. Click OK to continue or Cancel to close the popup and return to the COI Certification page. Your answers to questions and policies in conflict entered previously will display on the COI Information page.
Save & Print: Click this button to save and attach the completed COI form to your entity disclosure record. A popup opens confirming your COI was successfully submitted to the AIP. Click OK to continue. A PDF of the completed COI form will begin downloading to your browser so you can save or open it to view. Additionally, you will be returned to the COI Information page.
Save & Return to COI Screen: Click this button to save and attach the completed COI form to your entity disclosure record and return to the COI Information page where your previously-entered answers and policies in conflict display. A popup opens confirming your COI was successfully submitted to the AIP. Click OK to close the popup and return to the COI Information page.

NOTE: If modifications need to be made after submitting, you will need to go through the same process of entry, and upon completion, the System will put the updated electronic signature dates in the "Amended Dates" fields in the header of the Online COI.