Understand Policy Status Markers

All Reinsurance Years

Status Markers are used in various parts of the System to provide a visual indicator of a policy/coverage/detail line's current status. Users can hover over these statuses markers (icons) to view a popup of additional, related details.

The following are statuses currently in use:

Symbol Color Description
C Blue Claims Icon that displays claims information when hovered over
O Green Options Icon that displays the options applied to the detail line when hovered over
M Yellow Premium Adjustment Icon that displays the Map Area when hovered over
HR Yellow Premium Adjustment Icon that displays the High Risk Map Area when hovered over
LP Yellow Premium Adjustment Icon that displays the Late Plant reduction % when hovered over
RP Yellow Premium Adjustment Icon that displays “Premium restored after 1st crop reduction” when hovered over
PR Yellow Premium Adjustment Icon that displays “65% premium reduction on 1st crop” when hovered over
! Yellow Acreage Icon that displays when CLU Acres are outside of RMA Tolerance