Break the Link on a Companion Policy

If any data on a linked companion policy needs to be different from what’s on the linked source policy, the companion link between them will need to be broken before the companion’s values can be edited.

Manually Break the Link

To manually break the link, from within the Shareholders popup or in the icon popup visible next to unit and shareholder records, click the unlink icon that corresponds with the companion record you need to sever from its source policy. The System will confirm the break. Once broken, you will need to manually maintain all data on the companion record.

When a link is broken, it is only broken in the database behind the scenes. No information appears differently on the page for the source or companion policy. The previously linked records will continue to exist and retain the same information as when they were linked. However, any previously-read-only fields on the companion policy will become editable (if within the lockout period).

NOTE: All data for the companion record will need to be maintained manually or until a new companion link is established since data will no longer be synced from the source record to companion record.

Automatically Break the Link

Sometimes, the System will automatically break the link between source and companion records. This happens understand the following circumstances:

If the share is changed to 100% on a source or companion unit, the link will be broken for that line of the coverage only.
If the plan changes on the source or companion coverage to an unsupported plan or if the source or companion detail line is cancelled, then the links for that individual line is broken.
If the source is canceled, all links associated with the source coverage are broken. If the companion coverage is cancelled, all links associated with the companion policy are broken.
If the agency changes on the source or companion policy, then all links associated with all coverages are removed.
If the source or companion shareholder is deleted, then all links associated with all coverages are removed.
If the source or companion detail line shareholder is unassociated with the policy, then link is broken for that line only.
If the detail line on the source or companion unit is updated to have the No Longer Farming designation, the link on the unit will be broken.

Re-establish the Link

If you created a link and then broke the link but now need to link the source and companion records together again, you can reestablish the link using the same steps you originally used in the “Creating a Link”.