Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP)


The System supports the Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP - 76) Program authorized by the RMA. A WFRP policy allows a grower to insure their entire farm at once rather than selecting which crops/livestock to insure individually, and it also protects against any loss of revenue the Insured expected to earn. For Whole Farm, the overall farm revenue determines loss amount. This policy requires that Insureds initially report their intended commodity value and then later report the revised values.

To help users tailor their coverage, there are two commodity codes under the WFRP Plan Type: WFRP (0076) and Micro Farm (9110).

The WFRP Commodity

The Micro Farm Commodity

This commodity type is the same as the WFRP Plan Type prior to the addition of Micro Farm in the 2022 RY. It requires a diversification of commodities and insures farms with an approved revenue up to $17 million (2022 and prior RYs are capped at $8.5 million).

New with the 2022 RY, the Micro Farm commodity type does not have commodity count requirements and the entire farm is covered by this single policy, no additional coverages are allowed. This is ideal for small operations with an approved revenue of $300,000 or less (2022 and prior RYs are capped at $100,000 or less) for their first year of coverage or $400,000 (2022 and prior RYs are capped at $125,000 or less) if they are a carryover insured.

Learn more about WFRP (0076)

Learn more about Micro Farm (9110)