Editing Commodities on a WFRP Policy

Users can edit the commodities on a Whole Farm policy until the lockout dates for each reporting period. Revised Report values are keyed on the same page as the intended values.

NOTE: With the Intended Commodity Lockout, agency users will be locked out of editing intended commodity rows if the current date is past the SCD + the offset. With the Revised Commodity Lockout, agency users will be locked out of editing or creating revised commodity rows if the current date is past the ARD + the offset.

NOTE: With the Intended Commodity Lockout, agency users will be locked out of editing or creating intended commodity rows if the current date is past the SCD + the offset. With the Revised Commodity Lockout, agency users will be locked out of editing or creating revised commodity rows if the current date is past the ARD + the offset.

When a user needs to edit or key revised values for the commodity,

1. On the Commodities tab of the policy you are editing commodities for, click the commodity name link to open the Maintain Commodity page for the individual commodity.
2. To key revised report, select the Revised Report (with or without changes) checkbox. A second set of fields displays for keying values reported on the Acreage Report.

NOTE: If prior to the intended value lockout date, the intended values are editable.

3. If the commodity being reported was not included on the intended farm operation report provided at Sales Closing, then select the Add New Commodity checkbox.
4. Key revised values.
5. If the production is calculated by Weighted Average, mark the W. Avg checkbox.
6. For users with the proper permissions, the Revised Expected Revenue Waiver Flag checkbox displays. If the Revised Expected Revenue Amount does not equal the PASS Revised Expected Revenue Amount due to an adjustment for replacement commodity revenue, you should select this checkbox. When selected, the System will set the database field to "Y" for transmission on the P19A record.
7. To add comments to the commodity, type them in the Comments box provided. These do not currently print on any forms.
8. If the Revised Report checkbox was selected, the Revised Insured Sign Date and Revised Agent Sign Date fields display.
9. As your next step, click one of the following buttons:
To save the commodity and remain on the Maintain Commodity page, click Save.
To save the commodity and return to the Commodities tab, click Save & Exit. The commodity displays in the commodities grid and reflect updated values. The Total Expected Revenue is updated to reflect the new commodity. Repeat steps 1-9 to edit all commodities as needed.
To discard the new commodity and return to the View Commodities page, click Cancel.