Production & Revenue History


Production & Revenue History (PRH) is a new pilot program insuring Strawberries in select counties within the states of Florida and California and replaces the ARH plan. PRH provides protection for Strawberries against loss of production and revenue that the insured expects to earn or will obtain from commodities produced during the insurance period.

Coverage is based on individual historical production and revenue of the insured crop and is eligible to persons who have either grown strawberries commercially or have participated in managing a commercial strawberry farming operation in at least three of the last five previous years.

Insureds will have a choice of yield-based plan or one of two revenue-based plans with PRH coverage: Revenue or Revenue Plus.

Yield Protection (Plan 21): The yield plan accounts for production shortfalls due to adverse weather, fire, earthquake, volcanic eruption, failure of irrigation supply, wildlife, insects and plant disease.
Revenue Protection-Plus (Plan 22) & Revenue Protection (Plan 23): The revenue plans will account for loss of revenue due to a production shortfall previously described, a price decline, or both. Uninsured causes of loss include crop injury due to equipment or poor handling, failure to market or harvest in a timely manner, unless due to a covered cause of loss, or soil salinity in California only.

The difference between the Protection and Protection Plus plans is how production is calculated:

Revenue Protection: Production is valued at the revised weighted average harvest price
Revenue Protection Plus: Production is valued at the lesser of the approve projected price or the revised weighted average harvest price.

Under the three types of coverages, the Yield guarantee will be the same as APH and the price will be based on the producer’s own revenue history, which will require additional reporting to generate more tailored guarantees.

The Contract Change Date is June 30th, Sales Closing/Cancellation dates is August 31 for Florida. California will follow for 2022 with a July 1 SCD for Summer Planting Season and September 30 SCD for the Winter Planting Season.

For additional specifics regarding this plan, see the RMA handbook for PRH.