Save Acreage in Fast Edit CLU

When you’ve entered all acreage/coverages/premium lines along with plant dates or PP designations and are ready to save your changes, you have three save options: Save, Save & Exit, and Save & Continue. Each of these save options will invoke the same validations for the data and call out any issues that are preventing the successful save of the coverage.

For instance, if a Plant Date or Coverage selection is missing from lines where they’re needed, the System displays an error message and errored data is haloed in red.

As you correct the errors, they are removed from the grid. When all errors have been resolved, you can attempt to save again.

Furthermore, each of the save options will perform different tasks and your choice of save will depend on how you wish to exit the Fast Edit CLU page:

Save: Saves all lines marked as modified, sums all planted acres and pushes the acres to the appropriate premium lines as well as the planted CLU table. System-created child lines (for SE, STAX, and similar options) are also generated at save. Finally, duplicate lines are created for acreage identified as prevented planting or late planting. If any data is missing that prevents successful save, the System will notify you with error messages.
Save & Exit: Performs the same tasks as save but returns you to the View Detail Lines page. This option can be used if you are pre-keying acreage to print and proof an Acreage Report for grower signature. You can then return in a later processing session to make corrections or apply Sign Dates.
Save & Continue: This button will only display if at least 1 coverage on the policy is supported by current Fast Edit AR functionality, and it performs the same tasks as save but navigates the user back to Fast Edit AR for exception processing. Exception Processing currently covers anything that’s not covered under the Prevented Planting or Late Planting scope, like Added Land, Uninsurable, High Risk, Unrated, and so on. Processing for these exceptions can be completed from the Fast Edit AR page. If you have already obtained sign dates on the Acreage Report and are keying acreage and sign dates in the System, then you will want to click Save & Continue to move to Fast Edit AR and then apply the dates using Signature Maintenance.

Of course, Cancel is always available for discarding your changes and returning to the Detail Lines tab.

Once you’ve saved acreage in Fast Edit CLU, to avoid data inconsistencies, DO NOT make any changes to the premium line outside of the Fast Edit CLU page and then return to the Fast Edit CLU page to continue with processing. These two locations in the System are not synced and data will be inconsistent if changes are made to both places. Changes made in Fast Edit CLU will push up to the premium line, but changes made to the premium line outside of Fast Edit CLU will not push down to Fast Edit CLU.