The RMA has made updates to Enterprise Units for the 2022+ RYs, which require changes to the System. As such, System updates are underway and are being rolled over the next several releases to be ready for the first relevant Sales Closing Date. Documentation will be updated when the final of these changes has been implemented.

Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice (EC)


Beginning in the 2020 Reinsurance Year (RY), in counties where both a FAC (Following Another Crop) and NFAC (Not Following Another Crop) practices are available, Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice, or “EC”, unit structure is available.

Electing EC on a Coverage

Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice allows a grower to elect one Enterprise Unit for acreage farmed under the Following Another Crop (FAC) Cropping Practice and a separate Enterprise Unit for acreage farmed under the Not Following Another Crop (NFAC) Cropping Practice. In addition, growers can elect an Enterprise Unit for one cropping practice while electing another unit structure (BU/OU) on the other cropping practice.


A grower has both FAC and NFAC acreage. The grower elects an enterprise unit for a FAC cropping practice and BU/OU for an NFAC cropping practice.

Per the RMA White Paper, a grower may elect one of the following enterprise unit structures by for all FAC cropping practice for a commodity:

A single enterprise unit for all FAC and NFAC (an EU);
A separate enterprise unit by FAC and a separate enterprise unit by NFAC (one EC, one EC)
An enterprise unit by FAC and basic or optional units for NFAC (one EC, an OU/BU); or
An enterprise unit by NFAC and basic or optional units for FAC (one EC, an OU/BU).

To account for Enterprise Units by Cropping Practice, RMA has issued a new unit structure code of "EC". When EC is elected on both cropping practices, each practice must separately meet the rules to qualify for an Enterprise Unit. If one or both practices do not separately meet the qualifications for an Enterprise Unit, then the grower has the option of either a single Enterprise Unit for the crop/county (EU unit structure) or the underlying BU/OU unit structure.

NOTE: When EC is elected on a coverage, but it does not qualify, the System will display a message.

Consult the actuarial documents for EC availability and Sales Closing Dates by state/county/crop.