The RMA has made updates to Enterprise Units for the 2022+ RYs, which require changes to the System. As such, System updates are underway and are being rolled over the next several releases to be ready for the first relevant Sales Closing Date. Documentation will be updated when the final of these changes has been implemented.

Multi-County Enterprise Unit (MCEU)


The Multi-County Enterprise Unit, or MCEU, Endorsement allows a grower who farms across county lines to combine their acreage of a single crop in one county with their acreage of the same single crop in a contiguous county in the same state to create one larger enterprise unit. This endorsement also allows for combining separate enterprise units by practice across contiguous county lines.

Multi-County Enterprise Units (MCEUs) are available beginning in the 2019 Reinsurance Year on buy-up coverages for Plan Codes 01, 02, and 03 for spring crops with a November 30, 2018 or later contract change date. As a note, for the 2020 and succeeding reinsurance years, this contract change date restriction will not apply.

Qualifying for MCEU

MCEU allows a grower to combine their acreage of a single crop in one county with their acreage of the same single crop in a contiguous county in the same state to create one larger enterprise unit. These two counties are referred to as the Primary and Secondary Counties.

NOTE: To view the RMA's flowcharts for when MCEU is elected on a coverage but doesn't qualify, see "When Coverage Does Not Quality for MCEU".

The following requirements must be met to qualify a coverage for Multi-County Enterprise Unit:

The Primary and Secondary counties must be contiguous.
The Plan, Coverage Level, and Enterprise Unit Structure (either EU and EP) must be the same on each coverage. If EP is elected, then a practice is also required. Regardless of the Unit Structure, the practices on the coverages do not have to match.
If the Enterprise Unit Structure elected is EP, then the Primary and Secondary Counties must have EP elected on their coverages but the irrigation practices on the two coverages do not have to be the same. So, the Primary County could be an irrigated practice and the Secondary County a non-irrigated practice or vice versa.
The designated Primary County must qualify for the Enterprise Unit Structure (EU or EP) elected on the coverage; the Secondary County must not qualify for the Enterprise Unit Structure elected on the coverage. This goes back to the 20/20 rule for Enterprise Unit qualification we mentioned earlier in the video.

Want to learn more?

Elect MCEU on a Coverage
Multi-County Enterprise Unit (MCEU) Cheatsheet