Tropical Storm (TS) Option


For the 2023 RY+, the Risk Management Agency (RMA) introduced a new Crop Option—the Tropical Storm (TS) Option.

The TS Option, only available with the Hurricane Insurance Protection Wind Index (HIP-WI) endorsement, allows for an indemnity payment when the county or adjacent county is subjected to a Tropical Storm as determined in accordance with the Hurricane Data Provisions (HDP).

With the TS Option, the Hurricane Protection Amount (HPA) does not change. However, TS provides an additional county loss trigger for Tropical Storms based on a combination of Tropical Storm wind speeds and rainfall as determined in accordance with the HDP.

Insureds must elect TS on or before the HIP Sales Closing Date (SCD) and TS must be elected on an existing or new HIP coverage.

For the 2023 RY ONLY

For the 2023 RY only, if a producer elects TS by the 4/30 SCD but they have not already purchased HIP by the standard HIP SCD, then they will be allowed to elect HIP and TS by the 4/30 SCD without penalty.