Hybrid Specialty Seed (HSS)


The Hybrid Specialty Seed (HSS) Program is pilot program (formerly called Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed Crop (0093)) for the 2021+ Reinsurance Years to provide coverage to producers of Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0034) under the Yield-Based Dollar Amount Plan of Insurance (0055).

About this program

For HSS, the total planted acres of female and male parent plants for the production of a HSS crop are insurable; however, only the production from female parent plants is insurable.
Acreage must be irrigated and adhere to standard planting.
A Hybrid Specialty Seed coverage requires that a contract is attached to the coverage to determine price.
The insured may insure any of the insured crop that is contracted with different seed companies under separate policies with different insurance providers if (a) The insured insures all acreage of the insured crop in the county and (b) The insured agrees to pay separate administrative fees for each insurance policy.
Coverage is available in 5 percent increments from 50 percent to 75 percent. CAT coverage is available.

Consult the actuarial documents for Hybrid Specialty Seed (Hybrid Sweet Corn Seed (0093) and Hybrid Popcorn Seed (0034)) availability and Sales Closing Dates by state/county/crop. View the 2021 Crop Provisions (RMA PDF) and 2021 Handbook (Feb 2021 RMA PDF).