Add the First Peanut Contract

1. Locate and open the policy you need to add a peanut contract to and then select the Utilities tab.

Steps 1-2: Accessing the Contracts page from the Utilities tab of a policy.

2. In the Contract Utilities section, click Add Contracts. The Add New Contracts page opens.
3. In the Contract Information section, select the coverage from the dropdown that the new contract applies to. If a contract applies to multiple counties and/or types, a contract record must be keyed for each County and Type.

NOTE: Not all crops allow contracts, so only the coverages on the policy that do allow contracts will populate in the Coverage Select List field.

Steps 3: Complete the information for the peanut contract as applicable.

4. Type the Contractor Name (optional).
5. From the Crop Type dropdown, select the peanut crop type for this contract. A Type other than "All" is required for Peanuts.
6. From the Crop Practice dropdown, select the practice for the selected peanut crop type(s). This is a required field. Select “All” to include all available practices in the contract.

NOTE: If a Type and/or Practice is selected (vs. selecting “All”) on the contract record, you will only be able to apply the contract to detail lines with the same type and/or practice.

7. From the Warehouse Code dropdown, select the processing warehouse identified for the peanuts on the coverage. This is a required field.
8. From the Contract Type dropdown, selected whether the contract is for “Production”, "Acreage", or “Production and Acreage”. This is a required field.
9. In the Contract Value field, type the agreed upon value for the peanut contract. This is a required field for Peanuts.
10. In the Contract Price field, type the agreed upon contract price for the coverage. This is a required field.

NOTE: If an amount is entered above the allowable price for the contract, the System displays an error on Save.

11. In the Contract Acres field, type the amount of acres the contract applies to. If "Production and Acreage" was selected in step 8, this is a required field.
12. As your next step, click one of the following buttons:
To save the contract and remain on the Add New Contract page, click Save.
To save the contract and open a new Add New Contract page to add another contract, click Save & Add.
To save the contract and return to the View MPCI Policy, click Save & Exit. The contract is now displayed in the Contract Information grid.
To discard the contract and return to the View MPCI Policy page, click Cancel.